Here is a drawing I made for a video Ilan is making.
The wing is in a separate layer so another one can be added on the piggy’s right side, and they can be animated.

A screenshot from the video:

Ilan was all like “You know you will get full credit, right?” and “See how easily you too can make animations like this?”, and I was all like “So what?” and “Yeah, whatever.”
I guess I don’t take this very seriously.

Week of piggies: Friday, Saturday, Sunday and all eternity

Tomorrow I’m going to Rügen for almost a week, where I will not have Internet access at all!
So I’ll have to post the rest of the piggies for the piggy week already now … ;_;

These are actually warm up drawings that I made during the Gothenburg book fair while waiting for a chance to sign my book. (Here are my reports from the fair, in Swedish but with lots of pictures!)

The Soviet tank soldier piggies (one of them with thalidomide deformities?) are of course inspired by Hayao Miyazaki’s comics about Otto Carius and Hans

Oh, and then I found this sketch somewhere in my computer:

I think it might be related to my comic Pigs Have Wings. Or maybe not, because the girl doesn’t look like Ebba. Or maybe that’s the reason why it stayed just a sketch.


Week of pigs: Thursday

At first I wanted to draw a giant forest hog, but I don’t know what happened …

There are more people who are drawing piggies this week! Anders Skoglund, Stef Gaines, Lisa Medin, Lisa Ewald, and probably even more! Whee!

Week of pigs: Wednesday

Wednesday’s piggy is from Skåne.

The week of pigs, Monday and Tuesday

These piggies are somehow loosely inspired by the The Cure song, Friday I’m in Love.  “Monday you can fall apart, Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart” … “I don’t care if Monday’s black, Tuesday, Wednesday heart attack” …

Johan Jergner started the wole thing, Frida Ulvegren caught on, and so did Louise Lange, Mikael Sol, Åsa Ekström , Nina Bunjevac , Simon Andersson, Kenan Rubinstein, Jenny B. and maybe even more people, and WHY DID I FIND OUT ONLY TODAY? I am so busy BUT I HAVE TO DRAW PIGGIES

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