At first I felt a bit silly filling out this questionnaire, but then I saw that Mikael Sol had done it, too, so why not me.

1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?

Lots of stuff — the nicest being starting to rent a garden outside the city and renovating the construction trailer that is there. That place makes me very happy.

2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

No and no. (Maybe I should remove the boring questions from this questionnaire, but I’m too lazy.)

(Continue reading all the juicy details of my personal life …)


Tatar Pride shirt

I made peremech for a little party yesterday, and I realised I needed a suitable shirt for it. So I traced Bronson onto some fabric on my light table with textile colour, and then sewed it on this shirt.
I would have painted directly on the shirt, but it’s made of some weird mesh and velvet stuff that doesn’t really take the colour very well.

(In the background you can see my painting for which my piggy Sergei stood model. It’s perhaps inspired by Petrov-Vodkin. I haven’t given it any title, but I guess “Slumber of a Red Pig” could be a nice one.)


Read Driftwood ch. 8, p. 30

* * *

I’m trying to draw more Driftwood than I post, but I have a lot of work (somehow in book production that always accumulates when normal people have holidays), and also my private life is slightly messy at the moment (which obviously makes me a perfect candidate for drawing a comic with a love story … *sigh*).
So anyway, so far I have just:

7 down, 167 to go. V`(oo)´V


Read Driftwood ch. 8, p. 29

* * *

I also adapted this comic for print, for a Swedish comics anthology against racism (no idea if they will publish it), and I never counted it last year, so we start the countdown merrily with

6 down, 168 to go. V`(oo)´V


In July 2007 I counted how many pages and panels of comics I had drawn in my life. In December 2009 I counted how much I had drawn since then, and pledged to double my yearly average and draw 87 pages until the next December 9th.

(I’m a couple of days late with the last page and the assessment, because my mum came to visit for a week and I could barely draw anything while she was here.)

Number of pages and panels I have drawn since December 9th 2009:

Driftwood ch. 7 (from page 25): 17/92
Driftwood ch. 8:  29/192
International Women’s Day: 1/1
Russian Names: 2/13
On the Swedish child pornography laws: 1/1
White Nights: 25/54

Hourly comic day comic: 10/23

This Is My Home: 2/10


87 pages / 386 panels

(All-time total as of today: 618 / 3180)

In July 2007–December 2009 I drew by average 43,6 pages and 217,2 panels a year. Now I’ve indeed doubled the yearly average of pages, but not quite regarding panels, probably because I’ve only drawn hourly comics and 24 h comics, both of which tend to have less panels per page due to their quick nature, since 2009.

Okay, let’s face it — 87 pages a year is still really lame. I could get away with just one page a week most of the time. I can do much better than that! (Especially now that I live alone again, at last.)
Sooo … until December 9th 2011, let’s double it again and draw 174 pages of comics!!!


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