Driftwood 8 29

Driftwood 8 29

A bit late, and what else is new. V`(oo)´V

I’ve received a reader’s complaint that Aeron looks a lot like Eva’s boyfriend Ting Yay (in her solo stories). Now, I don’t think Eva really has a brother complex, because inside my head they look totally different. I should say they also look very different on paper?! Or not?

(^ Ting Yay and Eva, after just another long day.)

Maybe it’s more a question of superficial likeness, like their fringes (Ting Yay has no special excuse, but a fringe is a must for any Russian man), black clothes (for Ting Yay it’s just his postman’s uniform), and (partly, in Aeron’s case) Asiatic features … Combined with my fetish for dark hair and eyes, which requires all my ‘main men’ to have those features.

Their personalities are in any case extremely different, so they rarely have similar facial expressions or body language. Though on page 20, panel 4, Aeron had a bit of a Ting Yay moment :3, and I was also briefly confused about drawing him with Eva draped over him, so in that panel I can agree that they look quite alike …

Discussion (2)¬

  1. Li says:

    I honestly hadn’t thought of the likeness between them until you mentioned it. But it could be that my image of Aeron is influenced by the older chapters where he clearly has longer hair than Ting Yay. Anyway, I see them as quite different.

  2. Tinet says:

    Heh, Aeron’s hair is still longer than Ting Yay’s (treading the fine line between naturally overgrown hair and a mullet …?). Maybe Samona cut it for him somewhere between chapter 5 and 7. Or maybe she put some weird spell on it that magically shortens it a little at a time … (-_-);