Post-Stockholm International Comics Festival 2012

#stockholm #comics #sis12 Tinet with copy of Driftwood.

I will write a longer post (in Swedish) later, when I have more photos …

It was a fun festival this year, as always. I presented to the world Drivgods, one of the fattest books of the year, and perhaps one of the strangest comics to ever have been published in Swedish. Maybe I should have made the inside covers blank, or at least left more empty space on the title page, because there wasn’t that much space to draw impressive things when I signed it for people.

Also, my zine Tunguska #9 won the Swedish Comics Association’s big comics zine award 2012! I don’t remember the motivation, but perhaps they will publish it somewhere eventually. V^(oo)^V Apparently the jury thought it was the best among about 300 zines that they had received (apart from the ones that had won too often already …). :3

But the greatest moment was when a wonderful person bought issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Tunguska. I signed them all.

* * *

Those who didn’t have enough money to buy Drivgods or couldn’t make it to SIS but want it, see the instructions in the top of the left column!

24 h comics exhibition at Lashopp in Friedrichshain

The shop/workshop/gallery Lashopp, where we did the 24 h comic marathon last year, has a little exhibition right now with the results of our madness.

On Sunday there was a combined party for both the exhibition and the shop’s one year anniversary …

The Mugger [displayed]

Not only my 24 h comic, The Muggers, but also all my other zines in English and German are for sale at Lashopp now.

Reading hanging comics

Most of the participants brought their 24 h comics in one form or another, and we displayed them nicely suspended from the ceiling, easy to read. Parties where you can read lots of comics are the best parties. :3

Krippa, Guest, Tinet

Crippa introduced me (and my comics) to a nice syndicalist friend from Sweden.

Me in comic form

Some artists implemented the setting of us drawing 24 h comics into their comics. Unfortunately I forgot the name of this artist, who has a very cool realistic style here …

Me in comic form

And Mawil, perhaps the most “pro” of us all, did a little report about it for Tagesspiegel afterwards. You can read it here!

Me in comic form

Somewhere in the hazy sleepless morning hours, when I had finished my comic already, Mawil was looking at all the other people’s comics. Somehow he got all nervous when he saw I was already finished, and was dissing it, “What, they just talk all the time???!!!” – “Well, that IS a very efficient style!!!!” Heh … His comic is pretty awesomepants, so there really was no need to get nervous … :op

(All photos by Ilan Katin)

Photographic evidence from the Fanzines! Festival

The Fanzines! Festival in Paris is over, and the exhibition has been dismantled, but as promised, all the contributed zines are now part of the collection of the Marguerite Duras public library, and can be read there and borrowed home.

When I got a confirmation from the festival crew that they had received my zines, and they wrote that they would do their best to present them in the best possible way at the exhibition, I thought to myself, “yeah, yeah, you write that to everybody (but in fact you hate my un-artsy zines) …”

And I’m sure they did write that to everybody, but they really did do their very best to present all the zines, artsy or not, in the best possible way! They did a very good job at displaying the zines in a both visually pleasing and reading-friendly way.

Here are a few photos from the festival’s opening, where you can spot Tunguska

Tunguska #9 hangs on the wall there!

And below, in the box behind the hipsters where the lady is browsing, that is the back cover of Tunguska #3! It looks like the other issues are also there in the box.

Photos by Caterina Sansone, via

There are many more lovely photographs on the festival’s facebook page!

I’m sad I couldn’t be there.

Back from SPX

I just finished a deadly deadline, so it took some time before I could return to the finer things in life, such as actually posting something on this blog. (Other finer things I shall soon return to: drawing comics and also my home and garden.)

But anyway — Stockholm SPX11!

I’ve written a long report in Swedish with lots of photos on the Epix blog. Here is a short report in English with less photos:

Elmgren table with a bit of Katin on the side

Tunguska #9 sold quite nicely. It actually brought in more money than the Eva book — maybe because the Eva book was just so 2009/2010.

I’d had nightmares not only about forgetting to bring my zines to SPX, but also of people accusing me of being a paedophile :3, but actually none of those scenarios came true! There was just one guy who came by and said he’d seen my pedoporn drawings and was surprised that I’m a girl and not a guy. Oookay …

I had also been worried that no one would want the free retired Eva zines that I gave out, but they all disappeared long before Saturday / Free Comic Book Day was over. Whee!

Horst, Tinet and Ainur

I shared my tables with Epix/Horst Schröder and Ainur with Goldenbird, and Ilan brought along a Hungarian publication of his mum’s work, and also a zine of his own!

The Tagtool live drawing event that I organized with Ilan went quite well. There are lots of photos on the live drawing blog. I had to jump in when somebody got ill, so I also got to tagtool a bit at SPX. Here is a screenshot of what I drew …

Tinet Elmgren

I hope to soon be just like the piggy, riding my bike home through the nightly countryside. V^(oo)^V

Preparing for SPX11 …

Today I arrived in Stockholm. Soon SPX11 will be upon us! I will be at the tables 64-65 — check out the map (pdf)!

I am very happy to announce that I did indeed finish Tunguska #9 in time for this. I worked for it day and night, cancelling or postponing jobs, sleeping 5 hours or less per night, overdosing on coffee.
Because I knew that if I did not finish it in time, my existence would be totally pointless. V`(oo)´V

I’m probably just in some kind of bubble of hubris right now, but I am a bit bewildered at what the hell Driftwood chapter 8 is. It’s even worse in the Swedish version. There is no other comic like it. :o/

Anyway, I’ll also have some back issues of Tunguska, and I’ll of course be signing Eva books. I’ll try to get both red and blue acrylic paint this time. :op

Saturday happens to be Free Comic Book Day. I still have a bunch of these two zines with two of Eva’s adventures. Since then they have all been collected in the big book with all her other adventures, so these zines are kind of pointless.
SO: I’ll be giving them away for FREE on Saturday. First come, first serve, baby …

I’ve also contributed a comic to the anthology Comics Against Racism, which will be released at SPX. :o)

On Sunday I will be joined by Ainur, who will have some Goldenbird zines with her! She also participated in the erotic comics anthology Swedish Comic Sin 2, with probably the most epic erotic comic involving Soviet people and doggies (no, the doggies are not part of the erotic action … :3).

I’ll also be sharing my table with my publisher Epix, as usual. This spring has been strangely productive for Epix’s printers, and there is a huge bunch of new books that have come out. Check them out here.

All of those books actually deserve special mention, but EXTRA special mention is deserved by Miriam Katin and the Swedish edition of We Are On Our Own:

Miriam’s son Ilan will be at SPX, on one hand representing his mum, standing around looking proud and telling anecdotes about Miriam and her mother, and on the other hand he’ll be doing a live drawing event with some of Sweden’s most enthusiastic comic book artists.

Bottom line: SPX11 will be EPIC on so many levels.

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