Tunguska #11

Det tolfte numret på fjorton år är ute lagom till SPX i Stockholm nu i helgen! V`(oo)´V

@turukhtan 's awesome pants new zine for SPX #stockholm #Comics

(Där ligger de och torkar. Jag var en blind jävel och hade missat att maskera biten av flaggan under Willies arm, och märkte inte att den biten fortfarande var skinande vit förrän jag hade tryckt allt redan, så jag fick korrigera varje omslag för hand!)

68 sidor, A4.

Innehåller följande:

Sidan tre-killen – Albert Chisholm: Sjöman, skämttecknare och Spanienfrivillig.
Nästsista scenen i Drivgods kapitel 9, director’s cut! Tre extra sidor actionspäckad handling.
Hundön del 1. Fortsättningen till Drivgods: Willie har återvänt till Sha-Guo i hopp om att kunna hitta tillbaks till sina kamrater på skeppet Örnrockan. Under tiden får hon ett jobb på fiskfabriken, hoppas kunna hänga med någon fiskebåt för att komma vidare mot sitt mål, och har lite ångest rent allmänt.
Alla mina små grannar – serien om alla små insekter och andra rara djur som lever i min trädgård. :3
Anarki i Seriesverige: Det finns en hel del serietecknare i Seriesverige som kallar sig och/eller beter sig som anarkister, identifierar sig med olika anarkistiska strömningar och är till varierande grad posers och trüe. Jag presenterar kort ett par stycken.


In the previous years the local comics convention COMIC INVASION BERLIN has always happened on the same weekend as SPX/SIS Stockholm, but not so this year! So I will have a table at the comics market and sell all my German and English zines and books.

I also printed a couple of new zines:

New English language zines! Come get them at #comicinvasionberlin tomorrow!

* She’s a Killing Machine records a normal date with Eva. It was my first 24h comic, and another step in my endeavour to make all the Eva comics available in English.

* Driftwood chapter 7 and 8 are special zines with these two chapters. Later this year I’m going to do a pre-order/crowdfunding campaign for the English edition of the big Driftwood book and also a book collecting short stories and extra material. But since it’s a bit frustrating to sit around for months on all this unpublished material until all the practical details are worked out, I made zines with these two chapters in the meantime!

I will share my table with special secret guest Ilan Katin and his two little strange zines. Looking forward to Sunday, 12:00-20:00 at Urban Spree (Revaler Str. 99)!


A piece of Tungus ASSR zine history

In October 2006 (when I was “kind of” living in Berlin, before finally moving here permanently in January) I brought some copies of my zine Die Kompassrose (first German language zine I’ve made, yay) to the comics library Renate.

I remember being terribly nervous and embarrassed, and it wasn’t made easier by the fact that the cute Russian guy Vadim was working at Renate that day and insisted on speaking Russian with me … V#^(oo)^#V

A while ago the current Renate crew came to the conclusion that in the more than six years since then, Renate had sold 15 of the 20 copies (!!!), so I got some money for them. :3 I also got the receipt and Vadim’s note from 2006:

P.S. That email address is not in use anymore.

They still have 5 copies or so at Renate, and those are the only copies still for sale that have the brown paper covers that look kind of like skin, with birthmarks and everything. That paper was in fact my initial inspiration for this comic about a tattoo! :3

Report from Zinefest Berlin 2012

I’ve been really bad at reporting from festivals this year, but now I’ll make an effort to better myself in that respect!

It was my first time at Zinefest Berlin (last year it coincided with the festival in Gothenburg), and I was a bit nervous that it would be full of hipsters who would only consider getting my comics zines in an ‘ironical’ way. But while the hipster density was somewhat high, there was still plenty of metalheads and nerdy and/or leftish people (my usual readership – people who are like me, I guess V^(oo)^V) who were interested in my zines in an honest and straightforward way.

I was superlucky and got such a beautiful table that I didn’t have to use my tablecloths:

There were quite many English speaking people, so I brought both my German and my English zines, and made little piggy signs:

At one point one person insisted on paying 2 € for the German edition of The Muggers (that I sold for only 1 €). That confused me so much that I tried to offer him the English edition instead, since it’s bigger, has thicker paper and actually costs 2 € … But he really wanted the German edition and he really wanted to pay 2 € for it. O_o

Someone else, who bought both of the German Eva zines, commented that she liked my stuff a lot and that it’s unusual to find both good stories and good drawings in the same comics. *Sigh*! <3

I sold several zines down to the last copy, so I guess I have to make more …

What happens when you don’t drink alcohol:

On Sunday, almost everybody else came a couple hours later than our schedule said, perhaps because they had been partying until 5 AM the night before …

During that deadtime I read a book on Russian art history that was lying around on the shelf behind my table (the festival was held in the rooms of the Berlin School for Adult Education). There were some comics in that book:

“How the mice buried the cat”, 18th century. Another comic featured was one of Mayakovsky’s Rosta windows. (More …)

Anyway, I sold surprisingly much, and I also traded for some interesting zines, like Meeresbande Zine (about living with disassociative identity disorder) and a couple of pretty comics zines by Lilli Loge.

As usual I did little sketches while attending my table, mostly of visiting doggies and random piggies.

(See the whole sketchdump behind the cut …)

Zines for the Finns

In preparation for Helsinki Comics Festival this weekend, I expanded my arsenal with three more English language zines!

I’ve been a bit lazy with the English paper comics. Previously I only had my two most recent 24 h comics as zines in English, White Nights and The Muggers.

Hourly Comics Day 2012 is obviously my hourly comic from this year. It was so epic and porcine that it had to be made into a zine.
16 pages, A6. V^(oo)^V

The Compass Rose is the long-awaited English translation of this (very) short spinoff story from Driftwood, about Aeron back when he was more confused. In spite of my “enormous nose” artistic phase at the time I drew it, it’s one of my prettier comics. Though when I look at it now I’m confounded that his ex-girlfriend looks so “Caucasian”, when she’s supposed to be of clearly African descent (but has albinism) … x_X White-washing my own characters, eh …
In any case I would really like to draw a much longer comic about her (as herself, not as his girlfriend).
12 pages, A5.

Yess, the latest and longest Eva story is now also in English! One night Eva is assaulted by some Nazi-Darwinists. She beats them to pulp and doesn’t think much of it, but what if it did lead to some disastrous consequences, after all? In this story, Eva – who normally prefers to be a “one woman army” – actually teams up with the hot gangster The Leopard, who collects the debts off Eva’s toyboy Ting Yay and his sister. But what will Ting Yay think about that??!!!
44 pages, A5.

I’ll be sharing a table with my eminent sister Ainur. We will also be selling Swedish Comic Sin 2 and 3 (I participated in #3, Ainur in both :3 ), and Ainur will have fabulous zines with her comic Goldenbird! And I guess we’ll also have some pins and maybe other little things.

We’ll be in the Small Press Heaven (Pienlehtitaivas). See you there …? V^(oo)^V

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