Stockholm SPX10

Here is the spanking new cover for Tunguska #8, which actually might get done in time for SPX! It says it costs 40 Swedish crowns on it, but I might actually lower it to 30, because this issue will probably be the thinnest ever (32 pages). ;_; Unless I figure out what comic I could draw on about four pages until Sunday.

Click to enlarge:

I’ll be sharing two tables with Ainur and also Epix. Ainur will bring a new edition of Goldenbird #1-2, and also copies of Goldenbird #2-3. #1-2 has never before published extra material, so die hard fans might feel very frustrated. :op
Also, I hear Ainur has an exciting comic in the coming issue of, which is supposedly an ‘SPX special’ …

From Epix comes not least my book about Eva (I’ll be selling it for 150 SEK at the expo market, with a kick-ass drawing in ink and acrylic paint), and also some all new books, such as the Swedish editions of Kinderbook by Kan Takahama and The Ice Wanderer by Jiro Taniguchi. The latter has Akita doggies in it, so it’s definitely a must buy.

Find us at the comics market in Kulturhuset on the third floor, inside the auditorium (hörsalen), on April 24th (11 AM to 10 PM) and 25th (11 AM to 5 PM).

On April 22nd I will also take part in an “8 hour comic” event at Kulturhuset. Whee!
Noooooo, due to random volcano activity I will have to take buses and trains to Sweden, so I won’t get there in time for the 8 hour comic. >:(:)(

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