Weird flowers and other photos from my trailer

Okay, if you didn’t believe my drawings last week … Here is photographic evidence!

Some weird flowers that grew in my garden.
(Continue reading …)

Secret little piggy comic revealed

(Go on and read the little piggy comic …)

Wood stove adventures

Okay, I forgot to take a camera with me this time, so we’ll have to make do with my humble scrawlings …

So, this weekend I set up my lovely wood stove. Easier said than done!

(Continue reading …)

Secret little piggy comic

I actually acted like a real comics artist and pulled an all-nighter to finish it. Whee!
The official excuse for drawing it is the comics festival in Prizren, and in any case it was nice to draw piggies …

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50 down, 37 to go. V`(oo)´V

DRIFTWOOD CH. 8 P. 11-13

Okay, apparently I’ve been a bit lazy with posting the updates on here.

Click the picture to go read about how Willie became a vegetarian …

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45 down, 42 to go. V`(oo)´V

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