Weird flowers and other photos from my trailer
Okay, if you didn’t believe my drawings last week … Here is photographic evidence!
Some weird flowers that grew in my garden.
(Continue reading …)
Wood stove adventures
Okay, I forgot to take a camera with me this time, so we’ll have to make do with my humble scrawlings …
So, this weekend I set up my lovely wood stove. Easier said than done!
Secret little piggy comic
I actually acted like a real comics artist and pulled an all-nighter to finish it. Whee!
The official excuse for drawing it is the comics festival in Prizren, and in any case it was nice to draw piggies …
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50 down, 37 to go. V`(oo)´V
DRIFTWOOD CH. 8 P. 11-13
Okay, apparently I’ve been a bit lazy with posting the updates on here.
Click the picture to go read about how Willie became a vegetarian …
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45 down, 42 to go. V`(oo)´V