24h Comics Marathon 2012, Berlin edition
Since nobody else had organized a 24h comics marathon this year, Ilan and I decided to do it ourselves!
We were graciously provided with a space at the lovely Panke in Berlin-Wedding. 12 artists came, and a “hardcore” group of 8 people stayed for almost all the 24 hours! (Even though the time slot we were able to arrange – Friday to Saturday – was potentially a bit weird. But I guess that thanks to Neoliberalism there are plenty of unemployed and self-employed people in Berlin.)
Ilan found a “thinking cap”.
Some of the hardcore participants, grinding through the night. That crappy fruit device was just there to provide us with a clock, because I forgot to bring a proper one.
Me and my drugs.
This time I drew a piggy comic with ball point pens. I had to switch between two different pens as they started bleeding after being used continuously for too long. (Cheap 1€-store pens!)
Great thanks to Erikah and Justas at Panke for allowing us to use their awesome space, whipping up a delicious raclette dinner for us when their vegan cook couldn’t come, letting us pet their doggie, and being such lovely people in general!
24h comics 2012 Berlin participants:
atari_elle, Auge Lorenz, Catalina Somolinos Alonso, Clémentine Guichard, Darkam, Ilan Katin, Javier Lozano Jaén, Lilli Loge, Mikael Ross, Stef, Stefan, Tinet
We will make an exhibition with all the comics that we produced in January, also at Panke. So stay tuned … V^(oo)^V
Zines for the Finns
In preparation for Helsinki Comics Festival this weekend, I expanded my arsenal with three more English language zines!
I’ve been a bit lazy with the English paper comics. Previously I only had my two most recent 24 h comics as zines in English, White Nights and The Muggers.
Hourly Comics Day 2012 is obviously my hourly comic from this year. It was so epic and porcine that it had to be made into a zine.
16 pages, A6. V^(oo)^V
The Compass Rose is the long-awaited English translation of this (very) short spinoff story from Driftwood, about Aeron back when he was more confused. In spite of my “enormous nose” artistic phase at the time I drew it, it’s one of my prettier comics. Though when I look at it now I’m confounded that his ex-girlfriend looks so “Caucasian”, when she’s supposed to be of clearly African descent (but has albinism) … x_X White-washing my own characters, eh …
In any case I would really like to draw a much longer comic about her (as herself, not as his girlfriend).
12 pages, A5.
Yess, the latest and longest Eva story is now also in English! One night Eva is assaulted by some Nazi-Darwinists. She beats them to pulp and doesn’t think much of it, but what if it did lead to some disastrous consequences, after all? In this story, Eva – who normally prefers to be a “one woman army” – actually teams up with the hot gangster The Leopard, who collects the debts off Eva’s toyboy Ting Yay and his sister. But what will Ting Yay think about that??!!!
44 pages, A5.
I’ll be sharing a table with my eminent sister Ainur. We will also be selling Swedish Comic Sin 2 and 3 (I participated in #3, Ainur in both :3 ), and Ainur will have fabulous zines with her comic Goldenbird! And I guess we’ll also have some pins and maybe other little things.
We’ll be in the Small Press Heaven (Pienlehtitaivas). See you there …? V^(oo)^V
Secret piggy project, revelation!
So, I made a piggy mummy USB hub with piglet USB sticks!