Serienördens kokbok

Serienördens kokbok är en samling med svenska serietecknares bästa recept som kommer ut i höst hos Natt Förlag. Jag bidrar med pärämäts. Dock avslöjar jag inte vårt hemliga familjerecept, utan min veganska perversion, med varken kött, ägg eller kefir! Här är lite smakprov:

Gurkorna ser kanske lite osmakliga ut. Hur som helst, själva receptet får man läsa om man köper boken sen. V^(oo)^V

Dinner and a Story, December 29th at FIGO

(Click to see it bigger!)

This will be an evening that stimulates all senses equally. The three course dinner is an integral part of an audio-gustatory-olfactory-sensory-visual performance … And it will all be pleasant, so don’t worry.

We will also present some exciting hand crafts made by my mum, textile artist and book binder, as well as some comic books by myself and my sister. Perfect for those christmas gifts that you forgot to buy, or whatever. V^(oo)^V

We’ll charge 10 € for the full experience, including non-alcoholic drinks. (Alcoholic drinks are extra.)

Seating during the performance is limited, so please email me or click “attending” at the facebook event page! (But you can of course drop by later on to just hang out.)

Tinet’s event schedule – winter 2011

12th-13th of November: 24h Comics Marathon Berlin
In a haze of coffee and club mate, we’ll draw our asses off at lashopp in Friedrichshain, from noon to noon!

24th-26th of November: Gothenburg Comics Festival
I will partake in this festival in my favourite part of my favourite Swedish city with a small exhibition, featuring part of the final chapter of Driftwood. That comic is quite significantly influenced by the period when I lived in Hjällbo and went to high school in the same building complex where the festival is held. I’ll also sell some books and zines to the unsuspecting audience.

Late December: Still nameless “dinner performance” at Figo, Berlin
The Elmgren family will unite, with technical and emotional support by Ilan Katin, in a performance that speaks to all the five human senses. (And maybe also the 6th sense!?) We will serve a three course dinner of traditional food from three ethnic minorities of Finland, accompanied by an audiovisual performance in three chapters. Our arts, textile and book binding crafts and comics will be exhibited and for sale. More details to follow!


Tatar Pride shirt

I made peremech for a little party yesterday, and I realised I needed a suitable shirt for it. So I traced Bronson onto some fabric on my light table with textile colour, and then sewed it on this shirt.
I would have painted directly on the shirt, but it’s made of some weird mesh and velvet stuff that doesn’t really take the colour very well.

(In the background you can see my painting for which my piggy Sergei stood model. It’s perhaps inspired by Petrov-Vodkin. I haven’t given it any title, but I guess “Slumber of a Red Pig” could be a nice one.)