In July 2007 I counted how many pages and panels of comics I had drawn in my life. In December 2009 I counted how much I had drawn since then, and pledged to double my yearly average and draw 87 pages until the next December 9th. One year ago I pledged to double that average again and draw 174 pages …
How did it go?!
In July 2007 I counted how many pages and panels of comics I had drawn in my life. In December 2009 I counted how much I had drawn since then, and pledged to double my yearly average and draw 87 pages until the next December 9th.
(I’m a couple of days late with the last page and the assessment, because my mum came to visit for a week and I could barely draw anything while she was here.)
Number of pages and panels I have drawn since December 9th 2009:
Driftwood ch. 7 (from page 25): 17/92
Driftwood ch. 8: 29/192
International Women’s Day: 1/1
Russian Names: 2/13
On the Swedish child pornography laws: 1/1
White Nights: 25/54
Hourly comic day comic: 10/23
This Is My Home: 2/10
87 pages / 386 panels
(All-time total as of today: 618 / 3180)
In July 2007–December 2009 I drew by average 43,6 pages and 217,2 panels a year. Now I’ve indeed doubled the yearly average of pages, but not quite regarding panels, probably because I’ve only drawn hourly comics and 24 h comics, both of which tend to have less panels per page due to their quick nature, since 2009.
Okay, let’s face it — 87 pages a year is still really lame. I could get away with just one page a week most of the time. I can do much better than that! (Especially now that I live alone again, at last.)
Sooo … until December 9th 2011, let’s double it again and draw 174 pages of comics!!!
I am easily obsessed with lists, numbers and statistics. In July 2007 I counted how many pages and panels of comics I had drawn in my life. Today I felt the ominous urge to count how many pages and panels I have drawn since then …