Trailer renovation progress report part 2!
At some point as I was working on the highest parts of the wall, I looked up at the roof, and there was a dozen dragonflies hanging around there, basking in the sun.
(Contine reading …)
Secret little piggy comic
I actually acted like a real comics artist and pulled an all-nighter to finish it. Whee!
The official excuse for drawing it is the comics festival in Prizren, and in any case it was nice to draw piggies …
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50 down, 37 to go. V`(oo)´V
Renovation frustration
Stuck here. I’ve stripped the wall of the old panelling, fixed the insulation and replaced some rotten wood from the inner wall. But I can’t continue from there until my drill arrives, because the wall is in such bad shape that I need to use massive screws that go all the way through the inside panelling. I also can’t continue if it rains, which is what will be happening all next week if the weather report is correct. Nooooo …