Read Driftwood ch. 8, page 33

Now I could finally update the post “MOST EPIC […] OF 2010“. :3

* * *

10 down, 164 to go. V`(oo)´V

Hey, it’s a 10 year anniversary

I’ve had a website for ten years now. :3

The first incarnation was a Geocities site that had a design that incorporated lots of tables with that typical late 90’s/early 00’s “3D look”. Waybackmachine thankfully has no archive of the site the way it looked back then …

At some point Geocities started to get really annoying with the ads, so I got my own domain. I had more “Communist” themed comics back then so it kind of made sense. Today “kommiekomiks.com” as a domain can be a bit annoying, because I always have to explain that I’m not a Communist myself (although some Anarchists do call themselves Communists, in the sense that they work for true Communism, which the Socialist countries never achieved), but that the site has a post-Soviet concept.
But it’s perhaps useful as a test to see how people react to it when I hand out my card at parties. If they cringe at the “kommie-“, it means they probably aren’t worth my time … :oD

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Today I got my new teapot. And it’s an anniversary teapot, but for 50 years, not 10.

My little teapot, short and stout

It was made for the 50th anniversary of НКМЗ, “the largest producer of the unique and high-duty rolling mill, metallurgical, press and forging, power-generating, ore and mining, hoisting and conveying and special equipment in Ukraine and a reputed company all over the world”.
NKMZ was commissioned in 1934, so this teapot was made in 1984.

It has a little crack at its snout (awww :3) and drips with a tiny drop at each pouring. I should make a little scarf/snoutwrap for it. :3

DRIFTWOOD CH. 8 P. 31-32

I found perverse pleasure in drawing the little scars on Aeron’s hands. Read Driftwood ch. 8, p. 31-32

* * *

I’m almost, just almost one week ahead, but the holidays are busy times in book production, so I still have only:
9 down, 165 to go. V`(oo)´V

The trip to Prague that I’d forgotten about

It was a very short but quite nice trip in May last year.

The view from Elsa’s bedroom – an old Jewish cemetery. You could also see the TV tower with the freaky babies climbing all over it.

(Continue reading …)

MOST EPIC […] OF 2010


In 2010 I didn’t take very EPIC photos (I’m still struggling to get my camera to do what I want it to do), but I guess to me this is the most EPIC one:

Pipe chamber

When I saw this room, and when I had taken the photo (three shots with different settings, of which this was the best), I knew it was a picture I would be very happy with. Nothing special on a global scale, but I guess the most special photo I took in 2010.

The circumstances were quite EPIC too. We were in Leipzig on a very hot summer day. We wanted to see the Last Match comics exhibition, but the gallery had closed early because of the football world championships (Germany was playing one of their final games that day). So our plan B was to explore this big abandoned printing shop in central Leipzig.


I am very partial to the Charles Bronson shirt, although the Torrent de Bites kilts (link 1, link 2) were pretty cool too.

Tatar Pride shirt


Eh heh heh … I know exactly what comics sequence is the most EPIC one that I’ve drawn in 2010, but I can’t post it here yet because that would be a major spoiler. It’s something I’ve been waiting 14 years and six months to draw. :3
As we speak I have only sketched it, and I don’t know if I’ll have time to ink it before 2011 is upon us, but THAT DOES NOT MATTER

// Edit:
Okay, now I can link to it …
It is Driftwood chapter 8, page 33. (And that’s only the begnning – I haven’t spent all these long, tedious hours studying James McAvoy films for nothing! V`(oo)´V) //


I’m kind of jaded about my work, but sometimes I can still get a bit excited about the amazing comics I actually get paid to letter and/or do the graphic design for. This year I guess the shared first prize for the most EPIC day job projects I did goes to Peplum by Blutch and Der König der Fliegen #1 by Mezzo and Pirus, both for avant-verlag.

They are both really incredibly amazing comics and the work was very fast and smooth. V^(oo)^V

Instead Also, I’ll give you a bonus category:

5. FACEBOOK POSTS (that I’ve commented on)

(Read it behind the cut …)

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