Tinet’s event schedule – winter 2011

12th-13th of November: 24h Comics Marathon Berlin
In a haze of coffee and club mate, we’ll draw our asses off at lashopp in Friedrichshain, from noon to noon!

24th-26th of November: Gothenburg Comics Festival
I will partake in this festival in my favourite part of my favourite Swedish city with a small exhibition, featuring part of the final chapter of Driftwood. That comic is quite significantly influenced by the period when I lived in Hjällbo and went to high school in the same building complex where the festival is held. I’ll also sell some books and zines to the unsuspecting audience.

Late December: Still nameless “dinner performance” at Figo, Berlin
The Elmgren family will unite, with technical and emotional support by Ilan Katin, in a performance that speaks to all the five human senses. (And maybe also the 6th sense!?) We will serve a three course dinner of traditional food from three ethnic minorities of Finland, accompanied by an audiovisual performance in three chapters. Our arts, textile and book binding crafts and comics will be exhibited and for sale. More details to follow!

DRIFTWOOD CH. 9 P. 21-22

Read Driftwood chapter 9, page 21-22

* * *
66 down, 106 to go. V`(oo)´V
(Now I’m on page 26 … Doing a bit of a штурмовщина until the Gothenburg comics festival, so I can exhibit as much as possible from this chapter. Sadly there is no way I’ll have the entire chapter and thus a new zine finished by then … (;_;)
Things look a bit disappointing overall for this “quantity, not quality” exercise, too, but November 12th will be the Berlin 24h comics day. I am tempted to see if I can draw more than 24 pages in 24 hours!!??! If I do one panel per page, like many other artists do to cope with the time restraint of 24h comics, it should be a piece of cake, right? V^(oo)^V (For not page-formatted comics, the official rules say: at least 100 panels.) That should be an interesting exercise in form, too, since I’ve never drawn a comic like that before … Well, we’ll see.)

Photographic evidence from the Fanzines! Festival

The Fanzines! Festival in Paris is over, and the exhibition has been dismantled, but as promised, all the contributed zines are now part of the collection of the Marguerite Duras public library, and can be read there and borrowed home.

When I got a confirmation from the festival crew that they had received my zines, and they wrote that they would do their best to present them in the best possible way at the exhibition, I thought to myself, “yeah, yeah, you write that to everybody (but in fact you hate my un-artsy zines) …”

And I’m sure they did write that to everybody, but they really did do their very best to present all the zines, artsy or not, in the best possible way! They did a very good job at displaying the zines in a both visually pleasing and reading-friendly way.

Here are a few photos from the festival’s opening, where you can spot Tunguska

Tunguska #9 hangs on the wall there!

And below, in the box behind the hipsters where the lady is browsing, that is the back cover of Tunguska #3! It looks like the other issues are also there in the box.

Photos by Caterina Sansone, via fanzines.papiergache.net.

There are many more lovely photographs on the festival’s facebook page!

I’m sad I couldn’t be there.

DRIFTWOOD CH. 9 P. 15-20

Ha, I’ve been totally neglecting this blog for a while … V`(oo)´V

Read Driftwood chapter 9, page 15-20

* * *
61 down, 112 to go. V`(oo)´V
(Now I’m on page 21 … And I really didn’t draw any more than this in all these weeks?! Argh, maybe I’ll have to do more than one 24 hour comic to reach my goal in this silly exercise?!!)

Final harvest?

Aww, poor tomatoes. I didn’t give you the chance to maybe fully ripen before I picked you. Because temperatures are going to get a bit too close to freezing in the next week, so I didn’t want to risk losing all these tomatoes.

The orange and yellow ones might still ripen by themselves, and with the green ones I’ll make lots of little fried green tomatoes! Whee!

(Continue reading …)

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