Driftwood 9 39

Driftwood 9 39

A British reader expressed surprise at the fact that there was a working lift in the building in the beginning of this chapter, so now they are all broken down in this end of the building …

* * *

Against all odds, I actually finished drawing the comic the other day. Now I just have to letter and edit the book, and it looks like that should very well get done in time for the file delivery date to the printer. So, yes, there will be a Swedish Driftwood book at the end of April. V*(oo)*V
(That book will only have the main story, because the short stories are too weird. I’ll make a separate Swedish book with short stories and extra artwork next year or so.)

Last night Ilan and I celebrated the feat a little with sushi … I got kappamaki + avocadomaki and then even more avocadomaki at Musashi (best sushi in town :3).
Yeah …

Sushi celebration

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