I made a Tumblr for Driftwood! I’ll post some background information, sketches and reference images there, and also update notices about the comic, so the Tumblr fiends can get alerted about updates there. Lots of doggie related posts, as well … :o3
I finally caught a cold that I’d been fighting off for a week. Now I have a fever and feel like crap, so I am severely doubting if I can make the deadline for having the “real book” printed in time for the Stockholm comics festival … V>(oo)<;V
My self-preserving instincts are reassuring me that it’d be better anyway to first publish the last chapter as a zine, and collect it all in a book a bit later, not as both a zine and a book at the same time as I’d been supposing. Also, it would be really terrible if the quality would suffer if I’d have to rush it. Hmm …
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I want to recommend the documentary film / video zine Hold Fast, about “maniac sailors, anarchist castaways and the voyage of the S/V Pestilence”. It’s about a bunch of people who fix up a decrepit fiberglass sailing boat and sail around in the Caribbean with it, living off the fat of the sea, and being die-hard sailors in these times when yachting relies a bit too much on motors. It’s a cute and quite delightful film. :3