It’s very common in this area for people to have allotment gardens where they actually grow food for their families. But growing food on the street side is of course rather unusual …
Yeah, I just had to cram in that whole explanation about inflation and employment, because I do think it is a very important thing to understand about the economic system we have today.
The book Sophie is referring to is (if I’m not mistaken) The Self-Sufficient Gardener by John Seymour. The first edition came out in the 70’s, and since then he has made a thoroughly revised new edition, so now I’m a bit confused if it really was that book. But it can’t really have been any other one …
In any case, at a young age I was deeply impressed by that book along with two others by John Seymour — Forgotten Household Crafts and, especially, The Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency, all of which I kept borrowing over and over at the local library.
Argh, how annoying – and realistic – with the vandalism in the last panel… Why do people so often find it more fun to destroy than to be patient (I guess when they’ve tried patience for too long). But it’s really nice to see Willie put her skills into good use, and as an equal member of the team, too – not some kind of superhero just because of her exceptional experiences.
Unexplained fnuffy doggy!!!
It’s a bit inspired by something that the guy at Freie Internationale Tankstelle does every summer – he plants potatoes and carrots in shopping carts here and there on the streets, and at some point they all end up torn out. He keeps doing it, because it’s not about growing food, but about kind of bringing the origin of food closer to city people’s consciousness … :3