Final harvest?

Aww, poor tomatoes. I didn’t give you the chance to maybe fully ripen before I picked you. Because temperatures are going to get a bit too close to freezing in the next week, so I didn’t want to risk losing all these tomatoes.

The orange and yellow ones might still ripen by themselves, and with the green ones I’ll make lots of little fried green tomatoes! Whee!

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Rain and lunch

Hmm, what colours should I wear this summer, to match the bruises on my legs …? Purple, green, yellow? (I fell into a tram track with my bike.) Well, so far it doesn’t seem to be a problem, really, because it just won’t stop raining.

Nasturtium, potatoes, nettles and borages, all blossoming in the rain.


A worker bee! They have to work, come rain, come shine. So do I, so when there isn’t enough sun for my solar panels, I have to go to town and work in a cafe.

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The piggy in the bathtub is with me now. V^(oo)^V

The piggy in the bathtub

The most wonderful soap holder in the world, flanked by the piggy nail brush and the piggy baby soap …

A frog, some news and a recipe

Little frog basking in the sun
Last year the frogs and toads never went to this smaller pond near the greenhouse, and the people I’m renting this place from said they never had gone there before.
But this year, for some reason, the frogs and toads have all decided to hang out there, too!

My herb garden got some additions: rosemary, mint and chives in the smaller pots. The two former were on a special offer at one of the supermarket chains, and I’m too impatient to wait until the chives I sowed will finally grow big enough to eat …

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Spanish slugs sure aren’t vegans

Better than potato leaves: kitty food!

So, in the last post I was contemplating my slimy little neighbours. I’d been trying to give them salad and pears, but they mostly didn’t give a crap and kept chomping away at my potato plants.
Now mum gave me the expert tip to give them dry cat food.

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