Stockholm International Comics Festival 2014

Fan art based on the official festival art by Nina Hemmingson.
This year the festival will be May 17th-18th!

Back from Helsinki Comics Festival

I’d actually applied to be in the “International Exhibitors” section this year, but since I spoke Finnish nobody took me seriously. Which was just as well, because now I got to have a table next to Ainur and Kaarina in the small press area!

So then I also got to hear about 5000 comments about how the massive book Driftwood wasn’t really a “pienlehti” (‘small magazine’, the Finnish word for small press). Yay! V^(oo)^V

Compared to last year when all three of us had been placed at one single table, and it was really cold and there were floods in the small press tent, it was really nice this year when we all got our own tables and the weather was warm and sunny. Somehow magically it didn’t even seem like any drunk men pissed on the tent the night between Saturday and Sunday, so the small press tent had a pleasant odour all weekend! Amazing!

I sold some books and zines and met some nice, fun or ‘interesting’ people, and I bought these:

* Nyarlathotep, Ainur’s latest zine – a Lovecraftian side story from Goldenbird.

* Laivakoirat (The Shipperkes/The boat doggies) by Syssy Hiitteenkallio – epic maritime doggie comic.

* >> by Oleg Tischenkov – one of the books with his philosophical and cute “Cat” comics, detailing a bit about the background of the comic and how it came to be.

P.S. I also photographed some doggies:

Shiba and my comics at #sarjakuvafestivaalit Shiba closeup :3 Sheltie doggie at #sarjakuvafestivaalit :3 Fuzzy doggie tail behind Ainur Evil Mochi mini-watercolour by Ainur Epic pommi fail (but you can see its evil tail) Pug at #sarjakuvafestivaalit Pug on the floor at #sarjakuvafestivaalit

It’s Helsinki Comics Festival tomorrow!

At Lasipalatsi Square in central Helsinki, the 28th edition of the festival has once more set up its tents. Now on Saturday and Sunday we will brave the Finnish September temperatures again … Luckily the weather seems a bit milder and less prone to floods than last year!

I’ve been so busy with boring dayjobs that I haven’t had time to do any press work at all for Driftwood. This is the only photo I’ve made of the books so far (right after opening the first boxes upon delivery):

Whee, the books arrived! Me and my super awesome friend Claudia carried all the 25 boxes up to the 5th floor ... phew!

They are really awesomepants. I’ll be selling Driftwood at the festival for 20 € each, and 10 € for Flotsam and Jetsam, the short story and behind the scenes info book.

Of course it’s not enough for me to present only the big fat Driftwood book as a new thing at the festival. I also made a zine with (my apparently totally innovative e-book comic) Electric Tsunamis (in English), mainly because I want to see if I can sell more printed copies than Bonniers can sell electronic copies! 😀

Of course it's not enough for me to present only the big fat Driftwood book as a new thing at the festival. I also made a zine with Electric Tsunamis, mainly because I want to see if I can sell more printed copies than Bonniers can sell electronic copies!

I will of course also have all other English-language books and zines that I have currently in print …

See you this weekend – Saturday the 7th from 11:00 to 20:00, and Sunday the 8th from 12:00 to 18:00!

* * *

Bonus doggie etc. chalk drawings from the festival grounds:

Fuzzy necked doggie - chalk drawings at #helsinkicomicsfestival "Doggies are nice" - chalk drawings at #sarjakuvafestivaalit Heroic looking doggie - chalk drawings at #sarjakuvafestivaalit Obligatory piggy and occult symbols - chalk drawings at #sarjakuvafestivaalit Ainur's octopus (but she did not write "David is stupid") - chalk drawings at #sarjakuvafestivaalit


In the previous years the local comics convention COMIC INVASION BERLIN has always happened on the same weekend as SPX/SIS Stockholm, but not so this year! So I will have a table at the comics market and sell all my German and English zines and books.

I also printed a couple of new zines:

New English language zines! Come get them at #comicinvasionberlin tomorrow!

* She’s a Killing Machine records a normal date with Eva. It was my first 24h comic, and another step in my endeavour to make all the Eva comics available in English.

* Driftwood chapter 7 and 8 are special zines with these two chapters. Later this year I’m going to do a pre-order/crowdfunding campaign for the English edition of the big Driftwood book and also a book collecting short stories and extra material. But since it’s a bit frustrating to sit around for months on all this unpublished material until all the practical details are worked out, I made zines with these two chapters in the meantime!

I will share my table with special secret guest Ilan Katin and his two little strange zines. Looking forward to Sunday, 12:00-20:00 at Urban Spree (Revaler Str. 99)!


Rapport från AltCom 2012 “Inga gränser”

Först och främst kan jag konstatera att detta var en av ytterst få Malmövistelser för mig då jag inte gick vilse en enda gång. Jag har varit i Malmö väldigt många gånger, och gått vilse nästan varje gång. Malmö brukar framstå för mig som en hop helt bisarrt anordnade gator som alla ser exakt likadana ut.

Det kunde ju ha varit Murphys lag som gjorde att jag hittade direkt till Folkets park från tågstationen, eftersom jag anlände till Malmö flera timmar innan festivalen öppnade. Så på kvällen testade jag om jag kanske skulle hamna vilse ändå om jag hängde med Stef Gaines och Mikael Sol på en rätt lång promenad till en annan stadsdel när jag var astrött efter att ha vaknat klockan 3 på morgonen för att hinna med ett tidigt flyg från Berlin. Denna plan saboterades dock av att Mikael kommenterade alla viktiga orienteringspunkter utmed vägen, så jag hittade tillbaks till Folkets park (i environgerna av vilken mitt vandrarhem låg) utan några som helst svårigheter. *Suck!*

Stef och jag matchade dessutom. (Foto taget av Stef!)

I alla fall, AltCom ägde alltså rum i Folkets park i Malmö. Föredragen och panelerna var mest inne på Moriskan. Den svarta tavlan under trädet blev senare bemålad av Mattias Elftorp. (Först skulle den målas av MP5, men hon hann inte. Sedan av Studiostrip [mer om dem nedan], men de var enligt uppgift för nyktra, så till slut fick Mattias göra det själv …)

I detta tält var bok-och fanzinmarknaden. (Vad är grejen med alla dessa seriefestivaler under den kalla årstiden där marknaderna är inne i tält? Fast detta var åtminstone uppvärmt …)

Utanför var Tusen Seriers utställning på temat “Inga gränser”. Det fanns även annat serierelaterat i närheten, som åkattraktionen “Batman” …

… och ER-HO Bygg, som jag har gjort ett slags hommage till i min serie Glasregn (ett av Evas äventyr).

Är det någon som har “bidragit” till Aida Ghardagians serie och gjort den ännu obehagligare, eller står det verkligen så? Jag har inte sett den här rutan annanstans, så jag är inte helt säker, men på Emre Özdamarlars serie hade någon också klottrat större näsborrar på teckningarna av Haik. :/
(Jag fick just bekräftat att det verkligen är någon som klottrat på den här bilden.)

(Läs vidare …)

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