Tinet’s festival schedule spring 2011

April 9th-10th I will be at the little Comics festival Tampere kuplii in Tampere, Finland. It happened to coincide with my mother and sister luring me into Finland again. I won’t be selling or exhibiting or anything, just hanging out. But I will probably whip up some comic books in English or even Finnish (o_O) for the occasion, to barter with or to force upon random Finns. (Hmm …?)
Here’s the facebook event of the festival.

May 7th-8th I will as always be at SPX11 in Stockholm, Sweden! Tunguska #9 will be out in time for that … There are some quick facts about the festival here (only in Swedish so far). They’ve scheduled SPX to coincide with Free Comic Book Day this year, so I suppose I’ll make some little free comic book to give away, too.

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