
(Click to enlarge)

As a small child I used to draw a picture of an island – or rather skerry – with a tree on it over and over, many times. Probably inspired by the Finnish archipelago that I watched from the ferry to Finland every summer when we went to visit the grandparents. Maybe it was the same thing that Arnold Böcklin had with his Isle of the Dead.
I was curious to see how I would draw it today.

Happy International Women’s Day!

I drew the title illustration for this year’s special March 8th issue of Graswurzelrevolution. The lettering on the front banner is by Tine Fetz!

Inktober 2019

I didn’t do all 31 days in 2019, either. Here are the ones I did, following the official Inktober prompt list.

Day 1: Ring
There is a fairy ring in my lawn. Only 5-6 mushrooms grew in it so far, but clearly arranged in a neat circle, around the black mulberry.

Day 2: Mindless (callcenter life)

Day 3: Bait
I bought a writing cabinet on that very day in real life, and since I’d been watching a lot of horror movies (hello Ari Aster) and listening to a lot of horror books lately (Stephen King really awakens my own drive to tell stories), I imagined that there could indeed be something wrong with it …. But maybe the spirits in it are kind of nice and cute, at least once you get to know them? :3

Day 4: Freeze
The Netto bag is a Pusher reference …

(Continue reading …)

Self portraits

In Hohenschönhausen and in Kreuzberg, as a piggy and as a human.


Details so you can see my attempt at accurate eye colour :3


Friedrichshain, January 9th 2016

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